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Translations of Academic Articles
Ruth's published translations include poetry, a Master's thesis on theater, as well as many academic articles. Some examples are:
Several articles on psychologist Dr. Baruch Elitzur's website Less Stress More Happiness
Numerous other publications
Critique of Ruth's Works
by Mindy C. Reiser, Ph.D., Vice President,
Jewish Study Center, Washington, DC
Bilingual English-Hebrew Works by Ruth R.
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Translations by Ruth R. from
English into Hebrew
Author Anonymous
We Don't Need to Leave Yet, Do We? by Ogden Nash
Like a Rat in a Trap by Ogden Nash
כעברוש במלכודת
The Octopus by Ogden Nash
Crossing the Border by Ogden Nash
חציית הגבול
A Word to Husbands by Ogden Nash
עצה לחיי-זוגיות
Translations by Ruth R. from
Hebrew into English
The Ten Commandments By Svi Rin
עשרת הדיברות מאת רות רין
Suddenly We Long by Hagit Rimon
פתאום יש געגוע מאת חגית רימון
Thanks by Hagit Rimon
תודה מאת חגית רימון
Wind, Oh, Wind by Uriel Ofek
רוח, רוח
Other Writings by Ruth R.
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